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Scent of Summer - Sun Salutations

Spring time storms in the shape of a devastating pandemic have swept across our world. As we struggle to come to terms with the changes to our daily lives, loss of loved ones, and a sense of impending doom, standing firm in our stability and grounded in our foundations whilst remaining positive presents an ever greater challenge.

Lifting up our hearts to gaze at the pink super moon at night, and the glorious sun during the day, supports us as we seek security, build resilience and move forward through our practice.

Surya namaskarasana or sun salutations in the morning facing the rising sun helps us to connect to light, hope and optimism - physically, energetically and emotionally rooting to rise.

As you move with your breath, you are invited to chant with each of the 12 poses in classical sun salutation sequence - you may add to your practice by visualising the wheels or vortex of energy, chakras, associated with each of the yogasana in the sequence.

Enhancing your sun salutations with breath, mantra and/or chakra activation creates a moving meditation as you honour the qualities of the Surya, life force energy of the sun. Surya is also known as the deity, Lord Aditya - 'Aditya havai prano', the sun is prana - cosmic energy.

The mantra originates from the Aditya Hridayam Maha Stotram, sacred prayer to the sun which resides in the heart, a poem by Rama in Valmiki Ramayana (Yudha Kaanda).

1. Om Mitraya Namah

One who is friendly to all

I bow to the protector of love and friendship

Tadasana w/pranamasana ~ standing mountain w/prayer

Anahata ~ heart centre

2. Om Ravaye Namah

The shining, radiant one

I bow to the giver of vital prana (Ravi = pingala)

Urdhva Hastasana ~ upward salute /raised hands

Vishuddha ~ throat space

3. Om Suryaya Namah

One who is the dispeller of darkness, and induces activity

I bow to the radiant sun, giver of vitality and abundance

Uttanasana ~ standing forward fold

Svadhisthana ~ pelvic space

4. Om Bhanave Namah

One whose brightness illuminates earth

I bow to the lustrous sun, giver of light and intelligence

Ashwa Sanchalasana / Chetakasana ~ low lunge / equestrian pose

Ajna ~ eyebrow centre

5. Om Khagaya Namah

One who is all-pervading and who moves through the sky (bird of the skies)

I bow to the soaring sun

Chaturanga Dandasana ~ plank/body parallel

Vishuddha ~ throat space

6. Om Pushne Namah

Giver of nourishment, strength and health

I bow to the nurturing sun

Ashtangasana / Asavakrasana ~ eight limbed pose

Manipura ~ navel centre

7. Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah

One who is the golden seed of creativity

Bhujangasana ~ cobra

Svadhisthana ~ pelvic centre

8. Om Marichaye Namah

Giver of light with infinite number of rays

I bow to the sun of motion and movement

Parvatasana ~ mountain

Vishuddha ~ throat space

9. Om Adityaya Namah

The son of Aditi, the cosmic divine Mother

I bow to the perfect and pure sun

Ashwa Sanchalasana / Chetakasana ~ low lunge / equestrian pose

Ajna ~ eyebrow centre

10. Om Savitre Namah

One who is responsible for life, enlightenment and creation

I bow to the sun, giver of life and light

Uttanasana ~ standing forward fold

Svadhisthana ~ pelvic space

11. Om Arkaya Namah

One worthy of praise, joy and gratitude

I bow to the sun, the flash of lightning that heals

Urdhva Hastasana ~ upward salute /raised hands

Vishuddha ~ throat space

12. Om Bhaskaraya Namah

Giver of wisdom, knowledge and cosmic illumination

I bow to the sun, the maker of expansive light

Tadasana w/pranamasana ~ standing mountain w/prayer

Anahata ~ heart centre

Om Shri Savitre Suryanarayanaya Namaha

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

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